Sunday, June 20, 2010

About me...

I grew up in Switzerland but have lived in England, the USA, and Mexico, countries which have greatly contributed to my personality and outlook on life.
Languages have always been part of my life, from Swiss German as the first language I heard and spoke, to French as the language I grew up with and which shaped my school years in Switzerland. I then adopted English in my teens and let it shape my thinking and writing as I made my way through university. Somewhere along the way, I also learned Spanish in order to read Pablo Neruda's poems and to be able to communicate during my two years in Mexico.
My experience as a language learner has been invaluable in order to understand the difficulties and frustrations that my students feel and to find ways to help them overcome some of the obstacles to becoming competent and confident communicators.
Besides languages, I also love philosophy, art, and travel. If I had time, I would have lots of hobbies and activities, but for the moment, I am discovering how to use ICT tools, which is a source of great frustration to me, but very rewarding when I manage to create something new, such as this blog.


  1. Hi Rosemarie and congratulations on an attractive blog.

  2. Hi Rosemarie, great to see your blog and look forward to following. See, we're improving!
