Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Online translators and their possible place in the language classroom

I am not familiar with online translators so I will merely give my initial reaction and reserve a more thorough answer for later.
  • I don't think they would be useful for translating text as they are unable to fine-tune the meaning of a sentence.
  • They are fine for a quick translation of a word when a student is engaged is a task and needs to know a word
  • Translators' "place" or use in the language classroom would, as usual. depend on context, teaching approach, curriculum requirement, learning goal, and student need.
  • Should be used with CAUTION

Devil's Dictionary

According to http://dictionary.cambridge.org this person's job consists in correcting mistakes in books or articles before they are printed.

In the Devil's Dictionary, this person is defined as a "malefactor who atones for making your writing nonsense by permitting the compositor to make it unintelligible".